The "cc" above stands for creative computing, which broadly refers to the practice of making visual arts, music and much more, using code as a medium. I'm interested in learning how creative computing students make and modify code as they develop creative computing artefacts. So, I've decided to run a study from September 18th 2023 — October 4th 2023. The ethical aspects of this research has been approved by the Human Ethics Research Committee at ANU under protocol number 2021/089

Express your interest
by completing this MS Form.


  • Completing a consent form where you can give consent to various modes of data collection
  • Arriving at Level 2 of the Hanna Neumann building at ANU
  • Spending 25 minutes making an audio-visual artwork from scratch using p5.js
  • Spending 25 minutes modifying an existing audio-visual artwork in p5.js
  • Having a brief (approx. 10 min) chat about your experience
  • Receiving a $50 Amazon gift voucher as a thank you :)


We can only accommodate 10 participants for this study. It's a "first come, first served" basis. You will receive more information and a consent form once you've expressed interest through the form above.


Participation in this study will not influence the grade you receive in any courses you are taking at ANU. This research is not affiliated with COMP1720/6720, EXTN1019 or DESN2002/6002. By expressing interest through the form linked above, you are not formally giving consent to participate. You will formally consent to participation when you sign the consent form (you will receive this via email once you've submitted the form linked above).